In every problem there is an opportunity, in every bit of suffering there is growth, in every negative there is a positive. It doesn't always (and most often doesnt) justify the negative, but if you can learn (I havent, but I believe it's what I need to do) to focus on the small positives and remind yourself of the growth you experience and the opportunities that have arisen, you can get through anything.
If somebody dies, there is opportunity in the family left behind to grow more accepting of death and become stronger for it, there is a space opened in their job, or their home. They can leave inheritance to their family or friends which can make a huge impact on them positively. If they died in an accident, it can cause measures to be put in place to increase the safety of others, if they were murdered, it can lead to somebody who is mentally unstable and dangerous being removed from society. There are so many small positives that can be taken from it.
If you lose a loved one through separation, not death, then you can look back on the relationship and see your mistakes, see how you were influenced, how you ought to be, how you can grow. You can grow in wisdom and understanding of yourself and of others, choosing a better partner next time. There is an opportunity for you to start new relationships, friendships, find new experiences.
In some situations the small good is hard to see, but it's always there, and if it fails to justify the bad that has occurred, then let it at least allow others to realise that there are people in this hopeless situation, and something can be done to either fix it, or help prevent it from happening again.
This tool can be used to allow one to progress positively from a bad experience. In the worst situations, a person needs to reach out for help, and there lies an opportunity for someone to show their morality and help, even if helping consists simply of listening to the person in need.
When you look around you in the world, there is suffering everywhere. You can be a sadist and believe that the world is a hopeless place, or you can recognise that in each and every small good, you or someone else has an opportunity of some kind.
Learning to recognise that opportunity and take something from it, you can make the tiniest difference to the world. The world will never be perfect, but that doesn't mean you should ever stop trying to make it as damn near perfect as you possibly can, within your limited power as an insignificant person, you can save lives, offer hope, make people happy, and live satisfied that you are a good person.
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