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I'm an engineering student who likes to read and write philosophy and poetry as a hobby. Hopefully you'll like something, the poems all have some emotional meaning behind them. Comments appreciated.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

I Want To Be With You

"I want to be with you."
That small sentence alone doesn't even begin to do justice to the meaning that can be put behind it when somebody tells you, with every piece of their heart, that they want to be with you. It means more than a desire for your presence, but also that they want to hold you in their arms tonight, kiss your lips right now, stroke your hair and feel your presence as you lie there in the wondrous feeling. Wanting to feel your skin against theirs, your breath on their neck, your hands in theirs. Wanting to be your partner for life. It can say that they crave being with you, but not only that, they long to spend days with you, months, years, a lifetime. To spend days going for long walks on the beach, in the forest, through the city, everywhere, anywhere. Wanting to waste mornings away, just lying in bed, watching movies or cuddling up together, keeping each other warm. To spend evenings going for romantic dinners with you or enjoying quiet nights in, making love to you, going on wild nights out and having hot passionate sex. Wanting to get home from stressful hard days working and have you there. Just being there would make everything so much better. Wanting to be there when you need them, when you're down, comfort you, work with you through everything. Wanting so much to share the times when you are on top of the world, when you'd both just want to shout and scream to the world about how much Love you feel. Wanting to see the days when everything just seems to feel right, like everything is in place, how it should be, and feel the most secure and comfortable its possible to feel. Having the desire to take care of you when you're sick, miss you when you're away, calm you when you're stressed. To to see the world with you, ride the fastest roller coasters and river rapids with you, lie out on the beaches everywhere and anywhere with you. Reaching the ultimate in Love for you, which can grow with time from this point forever. To marry you. To have children with you, love them, look after them, keep them safe and teach them what you can. Wanting to have your own house with a garden, your own life, your own family. Wanting to get to know you in the most intimate detail, and Love you for everything you are. Wishing you to be their past, present and future, their life, their objective; an end in yourself. Wanting to be with you in every single way, with every single piece of their being, physically, mentally, emotionally, and more. If somebody tells you they Love You, and want to be with you, don't ever underestimate what that might mean.

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