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I'm an engineering student who likes to read and write philosophy and poetry as a hobby. Hopefully you'll like something, the poems all have some emotional meaning behind them. Comments appreciated.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Thoughts on Visibility

Everything is invisible. We look at things and think we see them but what we see is illusion. If I look at a wooden box, what am I seeing? I am seeing where the nothingness of the empty space surrounding it becomes a form, but what is this form? The closer I look at something the less I see it and the more it eludes me. If I look right down to the atoms and electrons then nothing is visible at all and is mostly empty space. Filled purely with energy, which is, again, invisible. I am claiming sight where in reality all I can do is perceive contrast between nothing and something, between something and something else. The observer, when he seems to himself to be observing a box, is really, if physics is to be believed, observing the effects of the box upon himself. The box itself is invisible.

Consciousness is invisible. It's probably the most well known thing in your own perception, but least known in other peoples' perceptions. It has no visual representation, only clues. It is clear to the thinker what they are thinking but nobody else has any idea at all, visually. We use consciousness all the time as the main reason we call ourselves alive but we have no empirical evidence that it even exists, it is simply so blatantly obvious that it exists that very few question it.

Sound is invisible, smells are invisible, touch is invisible, tastes are invisible and light is invisible. What we call sight, is simply the reflections of all the light bouncing off matter. We cannot see anything, we can only see a poor and false representation of reality. Sight is not real, it is an illusion. It is very useful to process our middle world of Newtonian mechanics but that process too is illusion created by our brains to help us survive.

Personality is invisible, the very essence of being a person is in no way represented visually but is in the immaterial form of that person. Just as the essence of any object is not in its physical form but in the immaterial use, contrast, existence and meaning of the object. None of those are visible.

Other things that are invisible are; logic, mathematics, language, knowledge, the past, the future, the present, thought, rationality, instincts, change - you can't see change, you can only notice that the way it was before is different from the way it is now, but you have only judged this by 'seeing' multiple perceptions that all differ slightly, power, authority, emotion, just about everything you can name is invisible.

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