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I'm an engineering student who likes to read and write philosophy and poetry as a hobby. Hopefully you'll like something, the poems all have some emotional meaning behind them. Comments appreciated.

Monday, 29 March 2010


My phone sits in silence, I do not exist,
Invisible to the world, I'm shrouded in mist,
I push on forward and seek to discover,
An objective, a goal- to fight for another.

This other I seek, seems less real by the day,
Something invented, imagined to portray,
Some ideology which I can't find.
No, there is only one on my mind.

Irrational mind, I can never suppress,
I fade from whats real to cease the distress,
I wish you were here. I hope you appear,
To whisper the words of my dreams in my ear.

Thinking of a life without you, I die,
My insides turn over at the thought, I could cry,
If I told you my secret, the risk is too great,
I could lose you forever, or succumb to some fate.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Thoughts on Perception

Sight is a fallacy as explained in 'Visibility' but our other senses are just as bad if not worse. We can feel so much but none of it gives us a real indication of any real property or attribute to it. If something feels hot all that tells us is that it has particles vibrating a lot. If something feels hard, all that tells us is that it has a rigid structure. We can't actually touch anything since all we 'touch' is the energy it expels and judge what an object is based on that. Our sense of touch enables us to learn and avoid danger in an evolutionary way but is useless for determining what an object really is.

Similarly smells and tastes are just chemical reactions that help us to survive at a primeval level but are useless now. Hearing is just determining differing vibrations and guessing the source and meaning based on the direction they came from. None of our senses tell us of the reality of anything, they are simply evolutionary survival tools. Our only real method of education is our brain which is developed enough to use reason, logic, philosophy, consideration and opens an unlimited array of possibilities.

Thoughts on Nothing

When people say that 'nothing can come from nothing' or 'you can't get something from nothing' I would argue differently. Not because I believe that just anything can come from nothing, but that instead they aren't at wars with each other. Just like how I explained that sight is perception of the difference between nothing and something, the 'something' couldn't exist without 'nothing' to surround it.

Try to imagine an object with no outline. The only way an object can have no visual outline is if it is invisible. The only way for an object to have no touchable outline is for it to be untouchable. The only way for an object to have no outline in any way is by that object being non existent. The significance of this is that 'nothing' is necessary for there to be 'something'. You can't see without contrast, you can't perceive in any way (even in theory) unless you have a contrast. What is life without death (or the absence of life)? What is existence without non-existence? The answer - nothing.

Everything must have a 'nothing' counterpart for it to exist or interact in the world in any way. For example, there are two categories: 'my mobile phone' and 'not my mobile phone'. Only one object is my mobile phone and every other object isn't. So there are an infinite number of negative existences for every positive existence, or in other words, every thing is nothing and 'nothing' is everything.

Coming back to my original point, when people say that 'nothing comes from nothing' and 'you can't get something from nothing', they are just plain wrong. Everything comes from nothing. They could even be seen as paradoxical statements because nothingness and somethingness are two sides of the same coin. Either they came into existence at the same time, or 'nothing' came into existence first because somethingness can't exist on it's own.

Thoughts on Visibility

Everything is invisible. We look at things and think we see them but what we see is illusion. If I look at a wooden box, what am I seeing? I am seeing where the nothingness of the empty space surrounding it becomes a form, but what is this form? The closer I look at something the less I see it and the more it eludes me. If I look right down to the atoms and electrons then nothing is visible at all and is mostly empty space. Filled purely with energy, which is, again, invisible. I am claiming sight where in reality all I can do is perceive contrast between nothing and something, between something and something else. The observer, when he seems to himself to be observing a box, is really, if physics is to be believed, observing the effects of the box upon himself. The box itself is invisible.

Consciousness is invisible. It's probably the most well known thing in your own perception, but least known in other peoples' perceptions. It has no visual representation, only clues. It is clear to the thinker what they are thinking but nobody else has any idea at all, visually. We use consciousness all the time as the main reason we call ourselves alive but we have no empirical evidence that it even exists, it is simply so blatantly obvious that it exists that very few question it.

Sound is invisible, smells are invisible, touch is invisible, tastes are invisible and light is invisible. What we call sight, is simply the reflections of all the light bouncing off matter. We cannot see anything, we can only see a poor and false representation of reality. Sight is not real, it is an illusion. It is very useful to process our middle world of Newtonian mechanics but that process too is illusion created by our brains to help us survive.

Personality is invisible, the very essence of being a person is in no way represented visually but is in the immaterial form of that person. Just as the essence of any object is not in its physical form but in the immaterial use, contrast, existence and meaning of the object. None of those are visible.

Other things that are invisible are; logic, mathematics, language, knowledge, the past, the future, the present, thought, rationality, instincts, change - you can't see change, you can only notice that the way it was before is different from the way it is now, but you have only judged this by 'seeing' multiple perceptions that all differ slightly, power, authority, emotion, just about everything you can name is invisible.


The times when birdsong is so sweet in your ears,
The times when it melts you away from this place,
When all worries are matched with devout hope for the years,
These are the times of true joy and pure bliss.

In the mountains and trees and rivers and the sea,
So much beauty awaits the one who strives.
Every direction you face, slowly circling, you'll see,
Every reason for the peace that survives.

No need for glory, no ambition for power,
Lust, exiled, for the time being.
For this kingdom of Love exists at this hour,
It is perfect in my dream that I'm seeing.

I'd give anything to realise this dream here on earth,
As would anyone with charitable reason,
To lay safe, with one love, beside the warm hearth,
And that kiss, such bliss, to deny it is treason.

Eternal Love

The moment comes and goes,
The tide ebbs and flows,
The season changes on cue,
Forever I'll Love you.

Nothing I need, I only desire,
All that I see is all I require,
To converse with you is to truly live,
Just to hold you- oh what I'd give.

Thinking of you is so bittersweet,
Not even knowing if we'll ever meet,
5000 miles I'd traverse for you,
I'd go there right now if you needed me to.

Heartache aside, I wish you joy and bliss,
Second to that, I long for your kiss,
But this pain is too great, too hard to bear,
My heart, so broken, in need of repair.

I speak only truth- I want you to know,
I don't know what to do, where to go,
The distance, the time, the hardship is tough,
The dream I still crave, of the life, is enough.

The moments still come and go,
The tides still ebb and flow,
The seasons still change on cue,
But never before have I felt as I do.

I Seek

Never so much have I longed as I do,
Nor been so determined to find,
The deepest and purest of Love that is true,
And be free from these weights on my mind.

In virtue, in pain, when proud and when meek,
Always there throughout joy and sorrow,
It's not a person themself that I desperately seek,
But that warmth and great hope for tomorrow.

The world feels so cold, so barren, so dead,
All life sucked right out by despair,
It's beauty but it's pain, life hung by a thread,
No one sees, no one knows, no one cares.

Deep inside, from the depths of the soul,
Hope's alive, it's impossible to kill.
It's a drive to restore and to fight for your goals,
Your most powerful weapon, your will.

How To Live

Standing by truth, refuse to regret,
Live your life for the reasons you know.
There'll always be shit that you'll want to forget,
But it's worth it, for Love, never slow.


Deep in thought we find our reason,
It grants us the way to our peace.
Peace allows us to enjoy the seasons,
In joy, our minds are released.